happy fathers day 2023 poems from son

happy fathers day 2023 poems from son : Hello are you looking for the “Happy Fathers Day Poems From Son” ? then you are at the right place. We, Happy Father’s Day 2023 have collected the best Father’s Day poems from son specially for you to sing for your loving father.

So here you can find best collection of Poems from son to wish happy fathers day 2023 to your fathers !

happy fathers day 2023 poems from son

happy fathers day 2023 poems from son

Enjoy our poems collection from son !


you would hold me in your arms.
I felt the love and tenderness,
KEEPING me safe from harm.
I would LOOK up into your eyes,
and all the love I would see.
How did I get so lucky,
you were the dad chosen for me.
There is something special
about a FATHER’S love.
Seems it was SENT to me
from someplace up ABOVE.
Our love is everlasting,
I just wanted you to know.
That you’re my special hero
and I wanted to tell you so.
Happy fathers day 2023!

Grandfathers are fathers who are grand,
Restoring the sense that our most precious things
Are those that do not change MUCH over time.
No love of childhood is more sublime,
Demanding little, GIVING on demand,
Far more inclined than most to grant the wings
Allowing us to reach enchanted lands.

Though grandfathers must serve as second fathers,
Helping out with young and restless hearts,
Each has all the patience wisdom brings,
REMEMBERING our passions more than others,
Soothing us with old and well-honed arts.

Now as a youth,
I have sensed some hidden truth,
A fact which is very sweet,
I have understood it a little late.
During childhood I was a little partial,
At present I am completely impartial.
Let me tell you Dad:
Though you now look a little older,
But no difference I find in you as my father,
You still teach me nothing wrong,
Guide me when I fall short of being strong,
Take care of all my important documents,
Always you value my valuables,
My commitments are your assignments,
When I must understand you,
Contrarily you do it better,
This realization is my pleasure,
Dad, you are nothing but my proud treasure.

All the sacrifices made
All the love you gave
All the sweat you laid
All the joy and also the pain
These can be seen in the heart of a father
Love is his richest anchor
I shout a cheer for you daddy
Happy Father’s Day!

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